By: Lavanya Kathirgamanathan

My Brown Skin
Born with power
Melanin queen
Every day, every hour
People may look at me
But that is fine

Ignorance is bliss
And this skin is mine for life.
My Brown Skin
Holds truth and fear
Sometimes it worries me
What might be near,
Racism, Colourism, Discrimination, and more,
Why would I suffer when Brown skin is everything I live for?
My Brown Skin
Makes me who I am
Sweet like chocolate,
Walking the streets with a BAM!
The intrinsic beauty lies
Within the colour of skin,
Why do some people
Think it is a sin?
My Brown Skin
Is filled with joy
Like a kid in a candy store,
Or even getting a toy
Walking down the street
With a smile, filled with glee
I am one of a kind,
Who else will there be?

My Brown Skin,
Is a blessing to my heart
It holds my personality,
And I am a work of art
No one should ever
Bring you down for your looks
If fear arises against you,
Look at them and smile with confidence,
Ignore them, and leave them bewildered.

Lavanya Kathirgamanathan is one of the Writers for this year’s publication at Black Voice. She’s a recent graduate from Toronto Metropolitan University, where she studied Journalism and will further her education in Human Resources at George Brown College. Lavanya has experience writing for multiple publications and has her own food blog on social media. Lavanya’s main goal as a writer for the Black Voice publication is to showcase Black excellence within the community, and in the city of Toronto.