Black Voice

Black Wedding Traditions: Celebrating Traditions

By: Lavanya Kathirgamanathan  In almost every culture, there will be a celebration of joy and happiness through wedding celebrations. When it comes to Black heritage, there are different ways to celebrate weddings whether it is traditionally or culturally.   These weddings are organized in a way that shares an unforgettable experience with the ones attending. Often, these wedding traditions have symbolic meanings that reflect historical traditions and diversity within the Black community around the world. This article will discuss the different wedding traditions that are celebrated within countries that celebrate Black history and the origins from where they came from.   Jumping the Broom  Jumping the Broom is a tradition that originated from Ghana, in the west. When wedding celebrations are facilitated, it is known that the broom holds spiritual value, as it keeps negative energy, evil spirits, and wrong doings away. The act of jumping over the broom symbolizes a new beginning and not looking at the past mistakes and oppression that has confronted the lives of many Black people.   Many people enact this ritual for tradition and others choose to engage in the act to symbolize solidarity with their ancestors. A majority of the time, the brooms are passed down through generations, or purchased by the couple themselves for their specific occasion.   Kola Nuts Exchange  The exchange of kola nuts has been a component of West African weddings for a while. These nuts are used as a symbol of communion and unity among the bride and groom. It also represents the power of healing one another as partners. The kola nut is known to bring good fortune and acceptance into the bride’s family through this exchange.   Money Spray   Money spray is prominent in African and Caribbean culture during wedding celebrations. The money spray usually tends to occur during the reception, where guests gather around the couple and shower them with money, while the couple dances to traditional music.   The purpose of the money spraying tradition is to show prosperity, support, and good wishes for their future. This highlights an aspect of Black culture and the importance of celebrating specific occasions where two people are coming together to start a life.   Traditional African Wedding Attire  Traditional African wedding attire consists of various different patterns and colours that are significant to their culture. There are regions in Africa that follow specific clothing requirements that represent the country and their heritage. For example in Ghana, dresses and suits are made from kente cloth, which is handwoven with strips of cotton and silk. Whereas in Nigeria, they specifically showcase their clothing involving head wraps called gele head wraps. These head wraps are specifically worn by women getting married.   In general, weddings hold significance when it comes to facilitating joy and happiness. Celebrating these events through important traditions demonstrates Black resilience and the spirit Black communities have to offer worldwide. It is important to recognize the cultural aspects of these traditions. Many have been preserved for decades and continue to strengthen their identity through celebration of bringing two people together. These traditions will conquer marriage stereotypes and offer a unique experience.  

POEM: The Melanin in My Skin

By: Lavanya Kathirgamanathan    The Melanin in My Skin,  Shines outside of me, and within  Through the sun and the light,  Melanin and I have always had a good night.  –  The glowing sun shines onto me.  Filling my body with dopamine, serotonin, and glee  Oh, how I love my Melanin in my skin,  Glistening throughout, always with a win.  – Sometimes, it is hard  To show my Melanin to the world,   Like a red card  There is a barrier that shows  How some people hate our skin,  Only God knows…  –    Through the ups and downs,  My Melanin will still make me proud,  Like a kid in a candy store,  Or a singer in a large crowd.  –  Whatever time of day it is,  If I am ever stuck in a jam,  The Melanin in My Skin,  Will always make me who I am. 

Destinations To Go To For Black Travelers

By: Lavanya Kathirgamanathan  Travelling is one of the most life changing experiences that encourages individuals to take advantage of new foods, scenery, and retail. It brings a new atmosphere that includes a diverse culture, and sense of community unmatched. Travelling is especially important because it allows visitors to expand their horizon in terms of generating an awareness of different architecture, social greetings, and new activities.  For black travellers, and those a part of the BIPOC community, exploring and travelling the world has a substantial impact on culture that allows the community to connect with their traditions and learn about their history.   This allows travellers to acknowledge that a part of them, and a part of their culture, is interconnected to the world. This article will illustrate a few countries that are the most captivating destinations among travellers and that hold a distinct history towards people of colour.    Accra, Ghana  This city is one of the top destinations for Black travellers to reconnect with their African roots. Accra is filled with history and culture. Their comforting recipes and food offers a warm and welcoming environment that is a way to get immersed into the Ghanaian heritage.  Salvador, Brazil  Salvador is the capital of Bahia. This city is filled with Afro Brazilian heritage. Salvador has a district, called the Pelourinho district, that showcases colonial architecture, as well as represents African heritage. You can find many of the artistic architectural sites here in this city.   Cape Town, South Africa  Cape Town is one of the cities that embodies a diverse multicultural population. Cape Town shares breathtaking landscapes and is a popular destination that shares educational history. This city is known for its historical marking in Nelson Mandela’s imprisonment.   The city offers insight on the experiences Mandela faced bringing awareness to the societal issues occuring during this period. South Africa is a place to connect with traditions and culture, it offers new experiences and adventures that shed light on social, political, and historical issues.  Kingston, Jamaica  Jamaica is an island country that many wish to travel to during their youth. This destination is where reggae music was born. Jamaica is also a place that represents the Rastafari movement. This religious movement was mobilized during the 1930s. The hot sun, fresh coconuts, and uplifting music allow visitors to enjoy a unique culture through its spiritual, healing, and inviting practices. Jamaica is known for its stellar reputation with facilitating cricket matches, it has shaped communities and provided athletes with an enjoyable hobby and outlet.  Travelling around the world to destinations that embody Black heritage is one of the most unforgettable experiences that you will not forget about. These destinations embrace Black heritage and other communities that hold the same level of significance.  It is important to travel, to experience new environments filled with different traditions, recipes, and activities. Immersing in the unknown can allow one to take on a new adventure and learn about new parts of the world for a comparative understanding of what makes places unique.  

Black Owned Plant Companies That Can Brighten Up Your Living Space

By: Lavanya Kathirgamanathan  Interior design encompasses a variety of complex and unique designs. These designs have become a success in creating comfortable living spaces in people’s homes. Plants are a unique staging item incorporated in homes because they provide an added touch of nature to one’s home.   Plants offer bright colours, bring purity to the environment, and filter the air, making it more healthy to breathe. Greenery has always been a part of purifying air, just like in nature, and reduces stress for those who need to take a breather. There are many Black owned businesses that showcase homey living designs, in particular highlighting the beauty of plants, that make homes look larger. It is important to recognize Black plant entrepreneurs and recognize their creative work ethic.  Illustrated are a few Black owned plant companies and businesses that customers can support to liven up their living spaces regardless of the atmosphere and space. These plans provide a touch of nature whether it is purchasing, or in need of inspiration.   Rooted by Martine  In 2020, Martine Delbrin established her plant business with her husband during the height of the pandemic and has not stopped making an effort to grow her plants since. You can access her plant shop through her Instagram and explore the variety of plants that she has curated for her customers. The aesthetics range from minimalist, mid-century modern, and an emphasis on boho.  Natty Garden  In 2008, Natty Garden opened up their business and has been for sale ever since. They are located in Brooklyn, and carry plants from succulents to outdoor plants, trees, and flowers. Natty Garden aims to provide its customers with an ethnic, traditional, and cultural palette for design. Their plants are aimed to showcase the true essence and beauty of natural greenery. Their mission statement is to provide plants that encourage therapeutic practices to address mental health concerns. Caring for a living plant has added benefits and allows customers to connect with the growth of a plant.   Fleurich Creations  FleuRich creates design boutiques located in British Columbia that cater for full service weddings, as well as other special occasions. Their boutiques provide an added touch of celebration that brings joy to their customers and events. The unique combination of florals includes bright and subtle colours that can be used in any event. These boutiques are also ideal for those wanting to take photoshoots with breathtaking florals.  Blooming Flower Bar  Blooming Flower Bar is located in Cabbagetown, Toronto. It is a female owned business that offers plants and flowers that are fresh cut daily. The scent of these flowers and plants are invigorating and capture the essence of nature. They offer custom bouquets that cater towards a variety of aesthetics and designs.   Planting with P  In 2019, Planting with P was founded, delivering plants and arrangements to customers’ doorstep. Planting with P offers a subscription box where customers  can get their  plant box filled with supplies such as a sage stick, DIY plant kit, and samples of plants, herbs, oils every month.   Supporting Black owned businesses in general are of great importance that allow individuals to grow their clientele and promote diversity within the plant industry. Plant businesses are not recognized enough, and even further, Black owned plant businesses are not discussed enough.   The Good Earth Plant Company curated an article discussing Black Plant Entrepreneurs during Black History month, and their complex journey to gain success with selling plants in the business industry. Click here to learn more. 

Resources to Support the Black Community

By: Lavanya Kathirgamanathan  Canada is one of the most diverse and safest countries to live in. Toronto, in particular, is a city that embodies diversity and is occupied by various ethnicities. The Black community holds a significant place in the city with its contributions in society. In a large city, it is expected that the community will benefit from an extensive list of resources. These resources can include support in mental health, education, and the workplace through donations, organizations, and people.   Many of the organizations listed below are created within the black community to support the needs of academic support, health disparities, mental health support, and legal aid assistance.   It is crucial that Toronto provides resources that focus on the growth and success of the Black community. As of 2023, there are currently 6.3 million people living in Toronto, and without the appropriate resource it does not give Black people the opportunity to put forth their talent and skill. To ensure the Black community is able to meet their goals, support in these sectors are crucial.   Outlined below are a few links, support groups, and resources offered by the City of Toronto that focus on connecting and supporting Black-owned businesses that are widely accessible to everyone.  The Black Health Alliance / BHA  The Black Health Alliance aims to provide the Black community with support and care to access equal health care services. They seek to advance opportunities among all genders, races, and sexualities to ensure an organized structure when facilitating health protocols. They are avid on doing their research to provide the appropriate statistics before implementing changes in health care. This demonstrates their credibility to uphold safe health care practices that are fair.  The Black Legal Action Centre / BLAC  The Black Legan Action Centre offers legal services and support to low-income residents within the Black community in Ontario. This centre is intended to provide a comprehensive list of legal resources to those who need a robust consultation on managing issues. It further provides free legal aid and advice to those who have inquiries about education, the workplace, and government support. This allows citizens to become aware of their services and have an understanding of their disadvantages in society and how to combat them.  The Nia Centre for Arts  The Nia Centre for Arts is a Toronto-based organization that showcases artistic talent and excellency on behalf of the Black community. The organization promotes creativity, different colour profiles, and connects young and aspiring artists with reputable mentors. To strengthen the arts world, the organization makes it a priority to provide viable skills that artists can use in the workplace. These skills hone in on leadership roles, artistic designs, and networking that can be useful when crafting their own personal artwork portfolio.  Black Women in Motion / BWIM  Black Women in Motion provides resources in leadership development and mental health for Black women in Toronto. This organization aims to provide healing initiatives to confront the trauma endured on behalf of Black women and provide them with the support and care they require. This community led organization focuses on communication and open discussions to tackle adversities and confront barriers. The organization prioritizes respect and encourages Black women to share their personal stories that are supported in a candid and non-judgemental setting.   The Black Business and Professional Association / BBPA  The BBPA provides financial assistance to Black students in the educational system and those who wish to advance their business ventures. It is an association that advocates on behalf of Black professionals entering the business sector. It provides connections and networking opportunities to make launching business ventures accessible and efficient. It further issues scholarships that are useful when obtaining resources and support to attend classes relative to their area of expertise and field of study.  Toronto is one of the many cities that celebrates diversity and appreciates hard work ethic. It is a welcoming place that offers support towards health and wellness, education, and contronts language barriers to help provide a safe space in the Black community. These organizations help support and strengthen cohesion in the Black community. As Toronto’s population continues to increase, so must the support. It is important to keep encouraging the expansion of resources within the Black community to ensure unique talent and innovation is being accepted and recognized. 

POEM: Paving the Way

By: Lavanya Kathirgamanathan  In a world full of fear that intertwines,  I pave my way, this path of mine  Painting through with emotions, strong and bright  I colour my journey with strength and might.  – Through my struggles,  Big and small,  I rise above the weakness,  Above it all  Whatever challenge that I meet,  I always find the courage,  I will not retreat.  –  With the presence of prejudice, I fight  Through the power of love, care, my bright light  Dark shadows come towards the road  Breaking the barriers, I will explode.  –  Every footstep, I touch a new ground  Leaving footprints of strength, high and profound,  Our coloured souls, filled with grace  We rise above, for our race.  –  In unity, we shall overcome,  Together strong, as one  For our bright ideas, from our head to our shoelace,  We will pave the way,  Leaving our trace. 

Exploring African Dishes From Around The World

By: Lavanya Kathirgamanathan  Food is a necessity in order to survive, yet it offers a dimension of innovation that has people celebrating its cultural roots. Food brings families together, creates a legacy among various cultures, reconnects people with their traditions, and brings an unforgettable experience to the table.   Many of the popular African dishes restaurants market originated from different parts of the world. These dishes embody different flavours, vibrant colours and spices, and incorporate fresh ingredients. African dishes captivate the essence of flavors from all around the world and include flavour profiles that are unheard of.  Many African dishes include unique flavors that tell stories of cultural traditions, which brings family and friends together no matter what season. These dishes are created with specific cooking times in mind, marinated, and seasoned to perfection. These steps are critical to ensure flavours are being brought to life.  It was announced on February 9th, 2023 that Tre Sanderson was the first Black chef to win Top Chef Canada. Sanderson has been cooking for over 10 years and continues to incorporate Caribbean spices in delicacies. These delicacies include turning Jamaican escovitch fish into gourmet works of art. His goal is to modernize traditional dishes that could cater to everyone’s taste buds.   The opportunity to compete in Top Chef Canada and excel has allowed Sanderson to reflect on his cooking experience and inspire emerging Black chefs to take risks in the cooking industry. For Sanderson, homemade traditional food has always been a staple for him, with flavours that bring warmth and comfort to his palette.   Sanderson is committed to seeking opportunities and ventures that push him to take risks in the kitchen and bring Caribbean cuisine to Michelin-star restaurants. His success reminds aspiring Black chefs that people of colour can incorporate their cultural roots to achieve success in the food industry. Aside from Sanderson’s success, this article will further showcase different African dishes that hold unique flavors and cultural significance.    Ndole  Ndole is a dish created from Cameroonian culture. It is a stew made of spinach, crayfish, shrimp, and beef and is always placed at the table when it comes to a party. This dish originated in central Africa and showcases the rich flavors of fresh African ingredients.   The dish is marinated with many spices, providing a wholesome and comforting taste when consumed. When an individual devours Ndole, they will recognize the distinct flavour profiles within the first bite.   Typically, Ndole is served with plantains, rice, or fufu. This wonderful Cameroonian dish represents the top cuisine in central Africa and brings a large crowd to the table.   Jollof Rice  Jollof rice is a dish packed with flavor and is one of the many global dishes well known for the delicacy, the flavors, and the representation that it brings to western Africa.   Jollof rice is a staple dish in Nigeria, Ghana, Sierra Leone, Liberia, and also in Cameroon. Although jollof rice is the main dish, it can be made in different variations. The different types of jollof rice include Gambian, Nigerian, Liberian etc.   Each dish is made with the same ingredients but include distinct cooking times, spices, and rices. The common ingredients found in jollof rice include tomatoes, onions, peppers, garlic, and meat substances. Jollof rice is a dish that allows families to connect to the comfort of spices and share laughter over simple yet delicious homemade food.  Mafe  Mafe is another beloved dish in Africa that is filled with bold flavors, and is commonly known in Senegal.   The dish mainly consists of peanuts and tomato sauce. In different parts of Africa, this stew embodies representation in different ways. This dish was created during the colonial period, a time where there was an increased production of groundnuts.   Mafe was originally created in Mali before it spread across western Africa and generated popularity. Mafe includes many ingredients such as onions, peanuts, tomatoes, beef, lamb, chicken, and fish in other recipes within the region. It is often served with rice or fufu. Mafe is a flavorful dish that will provide satisfaction and the desire for a second serving.  African cuisine incorporates many vibrant flavors that capture each country’s love and culinary experiences. The farmers who control irrigation when tending to agriculture care for the quality of fresh produce that goes into making these dishes. These unique blends of ingredients and spices bring families close together and provide a sense of tradition during special occasions. These dishes also inspire other countries to include African delicacies in their restaurants.  

Five Black owned Restaurants in Toronto

By: Lavanya Kathirgamanathan  Toronto’s food culture embodies innovation, talent, and unique flavour profiles. The city welcomes a variety of different dishes that offer an invigorating experience. The food scene reflects Toronto’s multicultural population and provides a variety of different options for everyone’s palette. Some of these flavours are unheard of due to their innovative and tasty profiles.   In particular, Black-owned restaurants have emerged through the excellence of culinary cooking, demonstrating diversity through the cuisine of the African diaspora.   This article acknowledges and celebrates Black-owned restaurants in Toronto that customers can try out and support this summer.   Chubby’s Jamaican Kitchen  Located at: 104 Portland St  Chubby’s Jamaican Kitchen brings flavour to Downtown Toronto with its Jamaican cuisine. This restaurant shares their excellence and unique recipe of jerk chicken and oxtail, catering to a variety of palettes. Chubby’s Jamaican Kitchen shares many  traditional recipes that incorporate a modern take to Jamaican cuisine. Their warm and comforting dishes encourage customers to return the next day to enjoy more. This restaurant is one of a kind and will bring a smile to anyone’s face with every savoury bite!  Nunu Ethiopian Fusion  Located at: 1178 Queen St W  Nunu Ethiopian Fusion brings the aroma and essence of Ethiopia to the streets of Toronto. This restaurant creates a homey dining experience offering an adventure of different dishes from Ethiopian cuisine. Nunu serves delicious and rich coffee with an invigorating aroma that customers can smell when they enter the restaurant. This fusion kitchen shares food from different parts of Ethiopia with dishes that include: lentil dishes, chicken or beef tibs, stews, and many more. This Ethiopian restaurant is fitting for those who seek a comforting meal.   The Real Jerk  Located at: 842 Gerrard St E  The Real Jerk in Toronto is one of the most prominent places that is located in a place called flavour town. This restaurant has been established for over 30 years and still brings heat to the kitchen with its aroma, flavour, and energy. The Real Jerk shares various Caribbean dishes such as jerk chicken including goat curry, shrimp dishes, and roti. The Real Jerk is one of the many staples in Toronto customers will not take their eyes off of. The restaurant has incorporated colours including red, green, and yellow that will distract viewers from their current plans and attract them to check out delicious aromas of the islands.  Tasty’s Caribbean Cuisine  Located at: 405 Spadina Ave  Tasty’s Caribbean Cuisine is one of the many diverse restaurants serving authentic Caribbean flavours in Toronto. This Black-owned restaurant creates a variety of dishes inspired by the cuisine used in the tropical islands of the Caribbean. Dishes include jerk chicken, macaroni pie, lentil peas, and roti wraps. These staple foods allow customers to enjoy and indulge in without worry, just simply satisfying and fulfilling vibes! Every bite is packed with flavour, and the restaurant includes an incredible and comfortable ambiance. This restaurant is a go-to for a quick bite, a sit-in, or a take-out meal customers can enjoy at home.  Over the past few years, there has been an emergence of Black-owned businesses across different industries. The food industry has been creating an environment for business owners and customers to try new foods and put forth their creativity within  Toronto’s food scene.   Supporting restaurants within the Black community promotes diversity and inclusion that touches on the importance of recognizing the diverse culture that Toronto embodies. It is important to support local and small businesses, especially those of colour because they offer a new invigorating experience which encourages customers to step out of their comfort zone.  

Black Owned Skin Care Brands

By: Lavanya Kathirgamanathan  Black owned products are not praised enough for the hard work that goes into perfecting a formula for different skin tones and skin conditions. These formulas include innovation that breaks barriers as healthy ingredients are a central focus. In fact, many Black creators in the beauty community do not get enough recognition for the hard work that goes into revolutionizing the beauty community.   In an article by McKinsey & Company, they state that Black owned brands only make up two per cent of revenue within the beauty world. The article also mentions that in the United States, only four to five per cent of employees involved in the beauty industry are Black. This statistic is alarming because it exemplifies the lack of involvement on behalf of the Black community in the beauty industry.   This news does not receive enough recognition on how the Black community strives to invent new trends and normalize wearing bold, energetic, and fun colours.   Although there is a lack of recognition, given that generic brand-named products have taken over the shelves, Black owned makeup brands are still a viable option and viewed as trendy in today’s society.   Outlined are a list of Black owned skin care products that you can support.  Black Girl Sunscreen  This sunscreen brand is curated exclusively for women of colour. What more could one ask for in extreme heat when you have melanin? This brand is marketed towards all ages, from kids to adults, and emphasizes the lack of white caste shown on skin when applying the product, which is usually the issue for most sunscreens. The brand is working towards their goal of bringing awareness to how essential good skin protection is through their products without a worry of a harmful reaction.  Karité  Karité’s definition in French means shea butter. This brand focuses on the quality of their product. Compared to drugstore products that carry shea butter, this brand offers a higher concentration of shea butter unlike other generic products. This product can be found at your local Shoppers Drug Mart.   In fact, Karité claims that their body cream has one of the highest concentrations of shea butter in its purest form, on the market today. The company partners with women-run farming co-ops in Ghana. Karité also takes proactive steps to ensure they understand where their ingredients are coming from, rather than handing it to somebody in a different country to do all the work, which is what we commonly find with other skin care products.   Rosen Skincare  Pink and pretty, this skin care brand is transforming the next generation of breakout care. Skin care brands that focus on acne solutions are hard to find. Rosen is not only concerned with creating a product that targets breakouts, but wants to create a space for a diverse community to use. Every skin type is different, but there are not enough conversations that address how dangerous some products can be for darker skin.   This brand focuses on the prevention and repair of hyperpigmentation as well as acne for darker tones. Although their skin care products accommodate different skin tones, the goal for Rosen is to make this product less harmful for those with a pigment in their skin colour.   4 5 6 Skin  They claim that this product is the science of skin tone. Noelly Michoux, Co-founder and CEO of 4 5 6 Skin, always faced issues with finding a solid skin care routine that was compatible with her melanin. It is stated that FDA regulation for a regular SPF is only tested on limited fair skin, meaning that not all skin tones and skin types have the benefits they need through SPF products.   Located in France, this brand has carefully researched their independent laboratory for the past five years to break the barrier of solely testing skin that is considered fair. 4 5 6 Skin is one of the many melanin driven skincare lines that is safe, and allows customers to create a unique formula using AI technology to create a custom product without the worries of using yet another generic product catered towards all skin tones. 

Black Influencers in Social Media You Need to Hear About

By: Lavanya Kathirgamanathan  In 2020, since the COVID-19 pandemic, social media has been one of the biggest platforms to gain worldwide recognition.   The lockdown created an atmosphere for people to grow and create content while staying home, which led to popular content creators and new advanced skills.   According to statistics on Zippia, only 7.2 per cent of content creators are Black or African American. By comparison 61.7 per cent of the content creators are White, while 13.3 per cent of content creators are Hispanic or Latino.   Unfortunately, this is not the only issue Black content creators have faced.   It has been noted that Black creators are underpaid compared to their White counterparts. Another issue is that White content creators generate the most views while stealing ideas from Black creators who go unnoticed.   These issues create a challenge for people of colour to gain an equal opportunity for success in the social media industry. To those who wish to make a living from content creation over social media there are inequalities that need to be addressed.   Although the percentage of Black content creators is low, this cohort of creators exists everywhere because of the quality of their work.   Many Black influencers create comforting videos that share tips and advice, bringing the audience close and allowing their ideas to inspire others.   Being a content creator is one of those careers that can make or break you.   Fortunately, the Black community has brought more comfort in their content and less controversy than many others in this career.   You can watch a series of interesting videos that cover a range of diverse topics from cooking tips, relationship advice, fashion sense advice, cleaning advice, hairstyle techniques, and fitness advice.   Anything that you can think of, the Black community has released videos about it.   Listed below are content creators with a strong social media presence who are changing the game and have started their career from rock bottom.   Britnee Ciara  Britnee Ciara is a Black food content creator who chefs up incredible meals involving her daily routine.   She shares her personal experience on how she views food and the benefits of some of the ingredients to her followers.  Ciara mentions in some of her videos that sometimes it is hard for her to eat the meals she cooks, and it can be tough to create videos when her mentality is not good, but for her fan base, she does it anyways.   Sharing her personal experience while creating this content is authentic to her and her fans. It shows that she has a desire to provide her audience with realistic and passionate videos for their benefit regardless of what she is suffering from internally.  Eating disorders are common, the road to recovery is not easy and talking about it is challenging.   Ciara briefly mentions how she is slowly recovering from her personal experiences dealing with ED and provides her opinion on how it can be managed if her fans are going through a similar challenge.   According to a survey from the National Survey of American Life (NSAL,) they found that 1.5 per cent of adult Black Americans have a higher chance of suffering from bulimia.   They also found that binge eating disorder is the most common ED found in the Black community.    Ciara aims to bring positivity to her environment in food and lifestyle content.  Mo Flowers  Mo Flowers is a Black content creator who creates fitness and healthy eating content.   She promotes her business as an online coach to share her skills and experience with clients who aim for similar goals and achievements that she promotes.   Flowers has been rooting for her fitness experience for over a year and has finally reached an audience where she can turn her social media business as a full-time job.   Her main goal is to share her results to help others feel motivated and comfortable to go to the gym, to sustain a healthy lifestyle.  While a majority of the fitness influencers are White, creators like Mo Flowers embrace diversity and can inspire her diverse audience to start their fitness journey and be confident.  Jackie Aina  Jackie Aina is an influencer taking over the social media world with her engaging and entertaining content. Aina is a Nigerian-born woman that is living her glamorous life in Los Angeles creating lifestyle and beauty content.   Aina has been creating content for a while now and took her platform to TikTok, where she continues to upload various types of content that are more than just beauty.   Her cleaning videos create a space for those who want to feel motivated, calm, and relaxed.   As a well-known Black content creator, Aina took her content to the next level and made it one of a kind; with the camera, the lighting, and the way she edits her videos.   You will notice that Aina has put a spin on her content to make it her own, and nobody else’s.   Jackie Aina creates a welcoming and comforting space for all of her followers and brings empowerment to the Black community with her talent.   Aina is one of the many Black content creators who knows how to run the content creator business like a boss. Her enthusiastic personality adds a unique touch to reel in views and followers that want to stay and create a strong community.